CUMMINS DFSK  DFM DFAC  DONGFENG TRUCK PARTS DFL4251  DFL3251 5258744 DONGFENG XIAOKANG  DONGFENG MINIBUS K17 5266969 5272666 5293669 5264757 5263374 5288908

[Truck Culture] Long head truck in Europe
2016-08-17 22:25:57
  • Benz Atron may be unfamiliar for us, ibecause t did not sell in Europe. It was designed for the Brazilian market. The Brazilian locals even call it "Weevil" .

     There are many style of this model, generally the truck is equipped with four-cylinder OM924LA  and 1319 4X2 chassis; 6-cylinder OM926LA Model with 2324 6X2 chassis , as well as shorter wheelbase dumper, mixer truck special chassis, with a maximum OM457LA Model 12L engine displacement.For towing trailer, the total mass of 40 tons 4X2 tractor is very popular in local Brazil.


  • Powerstar Specilized for long road use

Powerstar7800 as the flagship product, the total mass reachs 140 tons, powered by Cummins ISX15 engine, maximum output power up to 600 hp and maximum output torque of 2770 Nm. Equiped with Eaton Roadranger gearbox of 18-speed transmission, drive axle ratio has 4.10,4.30,4.56,4.89 for option. Long road trains is a major feature of Australia, this truck is also in line with the characteristics of heavy-duty transport in the power configuration .

  • DAF XT Dedicated for logistics companies in Netherlands

This truck named DAF XT ,but is not an official models produced by Duff.  It was a specially modified truck, belong to Jansen transport company in Lan Eindhovenblue Eindhoven.

  • Second - hand long head truck in Europe

As European policy limits the total length of transport vehicles, Scania officially discontinued T-Series trucks in October 2005. But that does not stop some Europeans to buy a used old one, even converted  present Scania truck into a long flat head look like T series.